
El CSMCLM participa activamente en el programa Erasmus+, brindando a nuestros estudiantes y profesores la oportunidad de enriquecer su formación musical a través de experiencias internacionales. Este programa de movilidad permite realizar intercambios académicos en prestigiosas instituciones europeas, fomentando el desarrollo artístico, la colaboración intercultural y el aprendizaje de nuevas perspectivas musicales.


CSMCLM Erasmus

Incoming students

We are very happy that you are interested in spending your ERASMUS+ study period at the CSMCLM.

On this page you will find all the necessary information and form for your application. Please note, that you always have to send your application through your International Office at home!

Erasmus at CSMCLM

We offer you the opportunity to study with our teachers for one or two semesters, to learn more about the Spanish culture and to improve your language skills.

The winter semester lasts from mid-September until the end of January and the summer semester from the beginning of February until the end of June.

How do I apply?

You have to apply through the International Office of your university. The deadline for both the winter and the following summer semester always is May 1st.

Please note that you need:

  • To be at least in your 3rd semester upon your arrival in Albacete
  • To study an instrument which is offered at CSMCLM, or Composition / Conducting itineraries.
  • To study at a partner university of CSMCLM.

We accept nominations using

During your application through the AEC (Association of European Conservatories) platform, you will be required to submit the following documents::

  • Application Form
  • Initial Learning Agreement (you can read our course catalogue here).
  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Recording (Internet link – like “Youtube” – with around 20 minutes / 3 pieces). For composition student, a portfolio of two or three different scores.

Course catalogue

In order to fulfill your LA, you can read our course catalogue here

Attached Documents

Contacto - International Office

Erasmus+ Coordinator

Mr. Francisco José Andreo Gázquez

C/ Zapateros, 25. 02005 Albacete (Spain)

Mobile: +34 649 085 287

Phone: +34 967 240 177

Fax: +34 967 215 381
